5 Facts Parents Should Be Aware of Before Giving Their Children Medication
It’s only normal to want to hastily take sick children to the closest medical facility and provide medication to them as quickly as possible. Even while it can seem like the ideal course of action, this answer isn’t always the greatest one to make. Make sure you are knowledgeable about the meds your kid needs before rushing out to acquire them.
Before giving their children drugs, parents should be aware of the following five points.
1. The child’s weight determines the dose
If you’re like most parents, you don’t give dose calculations a second thought. Two tablets are advised for each of those days if a pill label reads “2 TAB, 2 times daily.” But what happens if you have two children of different sizes taking two different medications at two different doses? You see, weight—and not age or size—is used to determine medicine doses. Accordingly, if one of your kids weighs twice as much as another kid and only takes half the recommended daily amounts, they will be receiving four times as much medicine as the other kid! Remember that some drugs shouldn’t be combined due to potentially harmful interactions.
2. Medical care is not the only solution
Your kid will generally want to be held, reassured, and hugged if he or she has a fever. That’s quite normal, but it also makes it harder for him or her to get the best possible slumber.
Try to provide as much comfort as you can for your kid, whether that is giving warm showers, putting on steaming socks before bed (the alleviation from painful feet might be helpful), or spooning in bed with a warm beverage. A cup of vegetable or chicken soup might truly work wonders for clearing up congestion.
The best approach to lower a high fever is to offer them rest, so if you have to, let them curl up on your lap in their cosy pajamas!
Additionally, try massaging your child’s head with eucalyptus oil after rubbing it into your hands; studies suggest that this helps to relieve nasal congestion in addition to having a wonderful scent. Avoid going straight to the doctor.
3. Not every fever is equal
If your kid develops a fever, wait to give them medicine until it doesn’t rise over 38.8 degrees Celsius. If you give your kids medicine too soon, you can be preventing their body from battling sickness on their own.
It’s also crucial to realise that a kid may still be sick even if they are not feverish since many viruses produce symptoms other than a high body temperature. For instance, in addition to a runny nose and sore throat, a cold virus may cause coughing and congestion. Additionally, even while these signs may not appear severe enough to need medication, they can make it difficult for your kid to relax and recover from an illness.
Remember: Try letting your kid ride out their sickness without pharmaceuticals first; they could surprise you with how fast they recover as long as they are drinking water regularly and otherwise seem healthy (no vomiting or diarrhea).
4. Keep pets and children away from medicines
Any drugs you have around the house may pique the interest of your pets. Children, on the other hand, often swallow medications without thinking. A youngster must be taken out of the immediate area of any medications before being given them in order to avoid access by the child. It’s advisable to lock away medications that might be dangerous if consumed by young children or pets in a safe or cabinet that only an adult can access.
5. Consult a pediatrician for guidance
Speak to a physician about the drug before giving it to your kids. Some pharmaceutical medications are safe for adults but hazardous for children. Knowing which medications are safe and suited for your kid might help you save a lot of future hassle.
Many parents often give their kids medications, but it’s crucial to keep these five considerations in mind while doing so. It’s easy to forget how common diseases and ordinary childhood aches may be treated without medications while we’re taking care of our kids. There are several alternatives to over-the-counter or prescription drugs that can do more damage than good to make your kid feel better.
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