Do’s & Don’ts of Giving Medicine to Your Babies
Giving your child their medication is always a herculean endeavor, regardless of their age. During this procedure, we could employ risky methods that could cause choking, vomiting, and greater resistance from the youngster to taking medications. This post will walk you through several methods. You can choose your child’s best option to follow.
Infants and newborns up to 9 months (those who cannot sit) are a reasonably simple age group to take medication to. In general, drops are used to provide lesser doses of medication.
- Thoroughly wash the dropper, syringe, or cap in warm water before using.
- Place the infant with their head higher than their body, either on a cushion or supported in the arms.
- Use the prescribed dosage of the medication.
- Slowly release the medication from the cheek.
- Allow the infant to suck on the dropper or syringe if she so chooses.
Unless the doctor specifies otherwise, it is preferable to provide medications right before meals. Baby has a higher probability of absorbing medication when they are hungry.
Kids who could sit
Giving medication to young infants can be challenging since once they can sit up and crawl, they behave more like wandering toddlers who like exploring their surroundings. The process would follow the same steps as before. Here are some further pointers.
- Administer a tiny dose of medication at a time. Give the drug in over 5 to 10 minutes.
- Experiment with caps and pills. By doing this, infants would conquer their phobia.
- Please repeat the entire dose if vomiting occurs within 30 minutes of taking the medication.
- If you’re refusing to take your medications no matter what, combine them with a little food or drink, unless your doctor tells you to take them on an empty stomach.
- Avoid placing medications toward the back of the throat; doing so might cause choking or gagging.
- Avoid holding the infant down while giving her medication. This would increase opposition.
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